Packaged hydrogen chloride (HCl) is used in a range of industries and applications including:
- Chemicals: To promote and regenerate catalysts in the petrochemical industry and to add viscosity to oils.
Also used for hydrochlorinations, e.g. production of methyl chloride, oxichlorinations and vinyl chloride.
Hydrogen chloride is also used to produce sulfuric chlorohydrins, synthetic rubbers, etc. - Electronics: High purity gas is widely used in the electronics industry. It is a chlorine carrier produced by high temperature cracking.
Applications: scouring furnaces (quartz chambers), dissolved in water as an aqueous cleaning agent to prepare metal surfaces for electro plating, selective etching of windows in electronic microcircuits and carrier for non-volatile elements in the form of gaseous chloride. - Food & Beverages: To remove the remaining fibres from cotton seeds after the cotton wool has been separated and before the seed is stored for re-sowing next season and also to separate cotton from wood.
- Steel & Metals: Used in the production of hard metal.
- Pharma & Biotechnology: Used in pharmaceutical synthesis.